Felted friends are available for sale through my Etsy shop.

Nothing by Halves

A single bass was not enough for this fine fellow. “Make mine a double,” he said.

If you’ve a favourite amongst these critters, there’s a fair chance of finding them in greeting card format available in my shop.

Be Quick

Jeremy was pondering the legitimacy of the 5-second rule.

Harvest Mode

For a few short weeks every autumn the local mice forage frenetically. I found this one in the bread aisle.


Bee-utiful Brooches

Teddy Bear Bee
(Amegilla bombiformis)

Common Blue Banded Bee
(Amegilla cingulata)

European Bumble Bee
(Bombus terrestris)


Apex Predator

Worms beware, don’t make a sound;
You are no safer underground.



Meet Russell, a tree hugger from the Sunshine Coast. He's a non-drinker who loves dining out. Russell enjoys sunsets, snacking and 70s classic rock.

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Clandestine Operations

Mole detection is an underground science.

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Double Trouble

Spring has arrived and these cubs are eager to leave the den. I have the feeling a breakout is imminent.


Banjo Bear

A mysterious melodic cadence haunts hikers on the Pacific Northwest Trail. No one (at time of printing) has ever identified the source of the sound.


Lockdown 2020

Animals reclaim the streets

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The Outlaw

Bold and brave and fair and even,
Robin Hood’s real name was Steven.



She couldn't imagine the day when she would no longer need her teddy bear.

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Up, Up and Away

Folks describe him as a high-flier with his head in the clouds.

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The Empty Nester

As an empty nester, Jennifer now had a handy place to store her yarn.

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The Garbage Thief

This entrepreneurial raccoon has gone from dumpster diving to dumpster delivery.


Bear Essentials

Researchers have found that bears living near major highways show a marked increase in motor skills.


The Fairy

A fairy is a small mythical creature whose origins are based in folklore. They are best known for their breads, lights, tales and floss.


The Lab Rat

This Nobel laureate has helped millions of people get up and face the day with his discovery of the Uppan atom.


The Viking

Magnus was one of the last great Vikings; he was brave, brutal and barbaric, but Magnus had no sense of direction. More often than not he would find himself, after a rather bloody battle, lost in a copse or thicket with no idea how to get out.


The Rainbow Chaser

Certified Rainbow Chasers are skilled in leprechaun combat, colour theory and skipping and know that you should never attempt to untie a rainbow.


The Sinner

She had never told a soul that her prize-winning roses actually came from the Vicar’s garden.


The Piper

As my dear friend once said, 'No need to practise, it all sounds the same.'


Inspector Fox

This handsome stranger has an eye for detail and a knack for finding the truth. Befriend him at your own risk - for he will find the skeletons in your closet.


The Banjo Player

A song for my dearly beloved,
Who’s worth more than a good cup of joe,
She is sweet, she is pure, she’s delightful,
Her raw beauty astounds me, although…

It’s her voice that does pull at my heartstrings,
And I fret when I don’t hear a sound,
I’m bewitched, I’m beguiled, I’m besotted,
With my banjo, true love I have found.


Prima Ballerina

Ah, the rigours of the Royal Ballet. This talented young dancer is the best in her class, barre none - despite having two left feet.


The Lumbermouse

Lumbermice are not to be confused with lumberjacks. Though they may appear similar to the untrained eye, lumbermice simply do not have the shoulder strength to wield an axe. No, they dress this way in honour of Baron Leyland (1835-1837) a rather wimpish mouse who longed to look more rugged and manly.


A Vampirous Fiend

My kind you see don’t like the light,
in fact we make good use of night.
So lock your doors and windows tight,
say your prayers and get them right.
My kind you see stay out of sight,
we make good use of space less bright.
So watch your back and you just might,
spare yourself a nasty fright.


The Old Man

I met this wiry ‘ol chap whilst on my evening walk. Feeling particularly chatty he stopped to tell me that he and the dog had got the heave because the Missus wanted to watch Antiques Roadshow in peace. Well, another 15 minutes and you can head home.



This is Bramble, he is a Lord. In mouse society such titles do not carry royal connotations, they are simply acronyms pertaining to each family's occupation or talent. 'Lord' or Latent Obsessive Rambling Disorder, simply put, means that Bramble likes to ramble.


The Harpist

Upon gaining her Bachelors Degree in Music, this young lady was offered a position at the prestigious 'Nostalgia and Reminiscence Bureau', renowned the world over for their ability to facilitate memory and dream recollection through musical accompaniment.


Ms Water-Rat

Surprisingly, gender equality within the rat population was in full swing by the Nineteen-eighties. However it's still possible to stumble upon the odd matriarch who prefers the business of home to a Home Business. Ma'am.


Le Tour

Some see cycling as a pleasurable hobby, others a serious sport. As a native Frenchman, of course this dapper fox is familiar with ‘le tour’, however his interest in the sport piqued last year when several hundred lycra-clad competitors passed through his town in the picturesque Loire Valley. Now in training for the next race he can be seen most mornings on the back-roads, practicing his gear changes and speedy descents.


The Aristocrat

Rarely do I get a visit from an aristocrat. Having dismissed his driver for the afternoon, this gentleman decided a brisk stroll through the woods was just the thing. We chatted a while over tea and then he left abruptly, muttering something about government policy and haircuts....


At The Sauna

Who knew that mice were so health conscious. I bumped into this handsome fellow at the local sauna, where he enthusiastically lectured me on the benefits of thermonuclear spinach and frozen cheese. I think he was a little dehydrated.


Tennis with Tabitha

As with all families of superior breeding, it is customary that one ought not only be proficient at the game of tennis but jolly-well impeccable! I do wish my brothers Teddy and Tarquin would hurry along.

Peeping Tom

Unwilling to fork out for his own Pay TV license, this thrifty otter has found a way to scrounge off his neighbors subscription. Binoculars at the ready and with the benefit of ‘closed captions’, our cheeky chap gets to live the life of luxe for less.


Cosplay Queen

Even mice enjoy a little cosplay now and then. An ardent fan of ‘Harry Potter’, this youngster still spends her weekends casting charms and perfecting potions.


The Spinner

This old biddy will pull the wool over your eyes, spin you a yarn and fleece you as you leave.


The Cowboy

I met this fine young cowboy mouse whilst out on my travels. I believe that he resides on a sizeable ranch with his extended family.


Brother Mouse

Not everyone is comfortable in the limelight. This handsome mouse used to be a famous actor but after two failed movies and a scandal involving a dormouse, he upped sticks and ran into the woods. Free from scrutiny and judgement he is now doing some of his best work helping the community - who know him as Brother Mouse (OFM).


The Patissier

Apparently not all mice scavenge for crumbs on the kitchen floor. Some fulfil their life-long dream of opening a Patisserie on the classy side of town - like this young chap here. Once mocked for his sweet tooth and love of musicals, he now runs a successful business selling bespoke cakes to the mouse elite.


Gypsy Raccoon

Not all who wander are lost. From the Great Plains of Mongolia to the dry salt flats of the Atacama, this spiritual lady has seen more than most on her travels. Now in her twilight years she is sharing her wisdom and insight (for a fee) on her blog, to the delight of her many subscribers.